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What to do if liquid soap changes color?

The active ingredient of soap is higher fatty acid salt, which is relatively stable, and the pigment and other additives may have been oxidized, but the soap can still be used.

Handmade soap tends to oxidize and turn an unsightly brown in direct sunlight. Although the soap has changed color, the sodium fatty acid molecules in the soap, which play a role in decontamination, have not changed much in principle. Therefore, it can be used to remove stains on the surface of stainless steel, ceramics, or glass during household cleaning.


changed color handmade soap

White handmade soap turns brown in direct sunlight.

White handmade soap turns brown in direct sunlight.

Apply changed colored soap to stains on ceramic, metal or glass surfaces.

Scrub soaped stains easily with a loofah.

Scrub soaped stains easily with a loofah.

Rinse off the foam mixed with stains, and the surface of the washed object is immediately bright and clean.

Rinse off the foam mixed with stains