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What is high quality detergent washing powder?

What is high quality detergent washing powder

In our daily life, the most commonly used detergent is washing powder. However, the current detergent powders on the market are mixed, so it has become a big problem to choose a suitable detergent powder. If you are also troubled by it, let’s take a look at how to identify the pros and cons of washing powder with me!

First Look at the packaging of washing powder
1 The easiest and most direct method is to look at the packaging of the washing powder. Of course, it is also the most basic method. After all, there will still be criminals who can’t tell whether the packaging is true or false.

2 When we buy washing powder, we usually pay attention to the brand. The packaging of high-quality washing powder will be very clean, the font on the packaging bag is clear, there will be no typos, and the production date will be clearly marked. And buy a well-known washing powder, certainly not wrong.

3 In contrast, inferior washing powder is generally a brand that has not been heard before, or imitating the bluff of famous brand washing powder. At this time, you should open your eyes and buy. Generally, the washing powder with wrong printing and unclear printing is of inferior quality. Of course, the most important thing is to pay attention to the production date when purchasing.

Then look at the appearance of washing powder

1 After reading the packaging of the washing powder, let’s see if the washing powder inside is genuine. When shopping for washing powder, there are usually small packages of samples for viewing, so this method is also very convenient.

2 High-quality washing powder is a particle-like millet, and the color is very uniform, most of the time it is white, and the color of enzyme-added washing powder is blue. When you touch it with your hand, it feels slippery, and it also smells fragrant, which makes people feel very comfortable.

3 Inferior washing powder will be mixed with some coarse particles, or the washing powder will be bonded into large lumps, which is not only extremely inconvenient to use but also has an extremely poor washing effect. It will feel sticky when you touch it with your hands, and the color will generally be darker. The inferior enzyme detergent powder is gray-blue.

At last the experience of using washing powder
1 Although some washing powders have been identified by the first two, it does not mean that they are high-quality washing powders. The most important thing is to see the use of washing powders. Washed clothes make the family feel comfortable and are the most suitable laundry detergent.

2 The high-quality washing powder has a fragrance when used, which makes people feel very comfortable. It also dissolves quickly in water and can play its maximum role, and the bubbles are medium when washing. The best part is that it doesn’t hurt your hands. I believe that you will take good care of your hands!

3 Low-quality detergents are the exact opposite of high-quality detergents. Not only does it dissolve very slowly, but the clothes after washing will have a strange smell. What’s more, after rinsing several times, there will be residual washing powder particles on the clothes, and the clothes cannot be washed.

Be sure to learn to buy high-quality washing powder to protect the health of your family!