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What detergent to use in dishwasher?

What detergent to use in dishwasher

Like washing machines, dishwashers also need to add detergent to clean items. What detergent do you usually use for dishwashers? Let’s find out together!

  1. Salt for dishwashers

Dishwasher salt is added to the soft water hose of the dishwasher to prevent the formation of limescale and prevent limescale from sticking to the dishes. Therefore, special salt for dishwashers must be purchased. Moreover, the use of special salt for dishwashers can prevent the dishwasher from being eroded by hard water, thereby extending the service life of the dishwasher.

  1. Dishwashing powder

The main function of dishwashing powder is to remove stubborn stains left in the dishes, which is similar to the effect of washing powder. When you add dishwashing powder, your dishes will look like new.

  1. Dishwashing agent

The main function of the rinsing agent is to remove water stains and dirt on the tableware and to speed up the drying of the tableware. But if it is wet weather, it is best to add it, because the tableware has always been water stained and it is easy to rust.