Tag: detergent pods

Why are laundry pods dangerous?
"Convenient to not get dirty hands, one piece can handle a bucket of dirty clothes, and has twice the cleaning power" - many people are attracted by these advertising slogans, choose to buy an innovative laundry product called "laundry pods", and put them It is...
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Are washing pods better than liquid?
The veteran-level cleaning agent for clothes cleaning is washing powder, and with the continuous development of clothing cleaning agents, detergent pods and liquid detergents have appeared, and then there is an additional choice when purchasing clothing cleaning agents. So for laundry beads and laundry detergent,...
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Are laundry pods bad for the environment?
Yes, detergent pods are extremely harmful to the environment. The reality is, that despite the appeal of their convenience, detergent pods contain a very damaging chemical cocktail. The reason why the outer membrane of coagulated pods can dissolve rapidly in normal temperature water is that...
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Are laundry pods bad for your washer?
Laundry pods won't do any harm to the washing machine. Detergent pods aren't bad for your washer as long as you follow all its usage instructions carefully. Laundry pods are where the laundry liquid is coated with a protective layer that can be dissolved in...
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Detergent pods how to use?
As a new generation of washing artifacts, detergent pods can be called small stature and high energy. Compared with traditional laundry products, detergent pods have stronger decontamination ability and longer-lasting fragrance. So how to use it to give full play to the maximum effect of...
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Laundry soap, laundry powder, laundry liquid and detergent pods, what is the difference between them and which one is better to use?
There are a lot of laundry products on the market, and many people are confused when purchasing. They don't know how to choose laundry soap, laundry powder, laundry liquid and detergent pods? In order to help you solve the problem, I will start to talk...
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Laundry powder or laundry detergent, which one is cleaner? The difference is obvious, don’t use it wrong in the future
Among the household chores that make many young people feel very troublesome, laundry is probably one of them. When I was a child, I always felt that the clothes my mother washed were clean and fragrant, but when I lived outside by myself, the clothes...
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