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Side effects of soap on face

Side effects of soap on face

​​​Is it good to wash your face with soap? Many people like to wash their face with soap, and they always feel that washing with soap is cleaner, but some people say that washing your face with soap is not good, and it will damage the skin, so is it good to wash your face with soap?

​The first point: We should all know that facial cleansing is very important, so is it good to wash your face with soap? Some soaps also contain alkaline ingredients, if you like to use soap. It is recommended not to use it often! It can also damage the skin when used to wash the face, but we can pay attention to the method of using soap to wash the face and decontamination. We can choose to use the soap to wash the face once a few days or even a week. After removing the dirt, under the buffering effect of human skin, it can also be used Neutralize alkalinity.

​Second point: Destroying the sebum film After washing your face with soap, you often feel dry skin. This is because the sebum film secreted on the skin surface to resist external stimuli is washed away when the soap is decontaminated. Once the sebum loses the sebum film, it is equivalent to losing the protective layer, and our skin is easily damaged!

The third point: it is easy to irritate the skin. You like the feeling of washing with soap. However, washing your face with soap will affect the acid-base balance of the skin. If you wash it too cleanly, you will use the skin itself as a protective film for self-protection. All washed off but will aggravate the burden on the skin. It will also make the skin prone to peas, or cause other skin problems!