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Is there any difference between washing your hands with bath soap, laundry soap, and hand sanitizer? Which works better?

Is there any difference between washing your hands with bath soap, laundry soap, and hand sanitizer

After the experience of the epidemic, most people have developed two good habits, that is, washing their hands frequently and wearing a mask when going out. One of the initiatives, which we need to discuss today, is the issue of handwashing. Some people will say that hand washing is very simple, as long as you wash with bath soap or laundry soap, or hand sanitizer, and some people even don’t need anything, just rinse in running water and you’re done.

If you think about washing your hands too simply, you are wrong! In the current epidemic, it is still necessary to wash your hands carefully to reduce the infection of viruses and bacteria. Then some people will ask, what should be the correct handwashing? When washing your hands, should the cleaning product of choice be bath soap, laundry soap or hand sanitizer? Which cleaning effect is good?

Hand sanitizer, bath soap, laundry soap, which one is better?
These three cleaning products are commonly used in daily life. As for which effect is good, there is really no accurate answer. In fact, the effect is not much different, and they all have cleaning effects. The difference lies in how to use and how to choose.

Hand sanitizer: It is more common in public places, and it is more convenient to use. Moreover, hand sanitizer is also divided into disposable and rinse. Disposable hand sanitizer is relatively more convenient, but it is not recommended to use it. There are many people who wash their hands wrongly. Using hand sanitizer makes it easier not to wash their hands carefully, and feels that just rubbing them casually.

If you want to achieve a good antibacterial effect, a rinse-off hand sanitizer will be better. Under the flowing water, you can rub it carefully, and the washing time will be longer and the effect will be better. Another point to note is that the choice of hand sanitizer is not recommended for cosmetics, and the cleaning effect is not ideal.

Laundry Soap: Many people confuse laundry soap with bath soap. In fact, there is a difference between the two. The detergency of soap is better. For people who work in harsh environments for a long time, soap can be used, and the detergency is better. Reduces hand contact with bacteria.

Bath Soap: The cleaning effect of soap is not much different from that of hand sanitizer, but the place where soap is used is mostly in the home. When using soap, there is also a point that is easily overlooked, that is, the box where the soap is placed, most of which will expose the soap to the air, and it is easy to forget to cover the cover, which may allow the soap to come into contact with microorganisms or bacteria in the air. may be infected by bacteria.

Washing hands with hand sanitizer, bath soap and laundry soap, each has its own pros and cons. It is really not that particular about which one is better, depending on your needs. If you want the effect of sterilization and disinfection to be good, you must wash your hands correctly, and you must cooperate with disinfection products. You can rub your hands with alcohol or sanitizer after the seven steps of handwashing. When choosing a disinfection product, it is not recommended to choose a no-clean one. It is best to choose alcohol with a concentration of 70% to wipe.