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How to wash white clothes with stains?

How to wash white clothes with stains

White clothes are indispensable in summer. But white clothes are very easy to be stained with all kinds of stain. When you are troubled by these difficult-to-remove stains, you may wish to take a look at the 10 great tips that Xiao Mochen has organized for you. As long as you read these 10 great tips, any stains on white clothes can be easily washed off!

Wash white clothes and socks

The stubborn stains on white clothes are difficult to eradicate. At this time, take a slice of lemon and boil it, soak the white clothes in water, and wash them after about 15 minutes.

The unusual smell of laundry

Sometimes clothes will have an unpleasant sour smell of sweat due to improper drying. Mix white vinegar with water, soak the smelly clothes for about five minutes, and then dry the clothes in a ventilated place!

Easily remove pen marks on clothes. (Two methods)

First, sprinkle the alcohol evenly on the pen marks of the clothes. The alcohol should be used for medicinal purposes with a concentration of not less than 75%. Remember to put the alcohol-infused side of the garment up and do not touch the other side of the garment, otherwise, the color of the pen print may stain other parts of the garment. Prepare most of the pot of water, then pour the bleaching water full of two bottle caps into the clean water, stir a little, and add a little washing powder, so that the washing powder can be fully dissolved in the water. Soak the clothes completely in the water for twenty minutes. Wash your clothes and leave no marks at all! There is another solution to the traces of the pen and ballpoint pen on the clothes: that is, don’t rush the clothes into the water, but wash the stained parts with gasoline first.

Cleaning soy sauce stains from clothes

Method 1: First wet the stained area with water, then sprinkle a spoonful of sugar and rub it with your hands. We can see that part of the soy sauce has been stained with the sugar, and then washed with water to remove the stains. Method 2: After soaking the white vest, apply baking soda to the place stained with soy sauce, and wash it with water after 10 minutes to remove the soy sauce stain.

wash the paint from clothes

Apply the cooling oil to the parts with paint, because the substances contained in the cooling oil can dissolve the paint, and then rinse it off. If it is stained with water-soluble paint (such as water-soluble paint, or latex paint) and household interior wall paint, it can be washed off with water in time; if the nylon fabric is stained with paint, it can be rubbed with lard first and then dipped in detergent. Clear water.

cleaning grass stains

You need to prepare 100 grams of salt and 1000 grams of water. Pour the water into the container, stir well by hand, put the clothes stained with grass in the basin, and soak in saltwater for 10 minutes. Rinse your clothes in water and you’ll find that stubborn grass stains can be easily washed away.

Wash blood-stained clothes

When it is just stained, it should be washed with cold water or light saltwater immediately (hot water is forbidden because the blood contains protein, it will solidify when heated, and it is not easy to dissolve), and then wash with soap or 10% potassium iodide solution; use white radish juice or mash Crushed carrots mixed with salt can remove blood stains on clothes; wipe the stained area with 10% tartaric acid solution, then wash with cold water, and use enzyme laundry powder to remove blood stains, the effect is very good.

Easily wash mildew off clothes

Because the weather is hot and humid, or when the seasons change, it is easy for the washed clothes to grow mold, especially the white clothes. Once the mold grows, it is very depressing. It doesn’t matter, there are many ways to deal with these mildew spots: 1. Put the tender mung bean sprouts on the mildew spots, rub your hands vigorously, and finally rinse them with water, it’s that simple! 2. The mildew on the clothes can be exposed to the sun first, then use a brush to remove the mildew, and then wash it off with alcohol. After soaking the clothes contaminated with mildew in thick soapy water, take them out with soapy water, let them dry in the sun for a while, and dry them several times. After the mildew is removed, rinse it with clean water. 3. Silk clothes can be washed with citric acid, and then rinsed with cold water. 4. Mildew stains on hemp fabrics can be cleaned with calcium chloride solution.

Clean tea and coffee stains.

Clothes contaminated by beverages such as tea and coffee can be washed immediately with 70-80% hot water to remove them. Old tea and coffee stains can be wiped with a mixed solution of glycerin and egg yolk, and then rinsed with water after drying. Or apply glycerin to the stain, sprinkle a few grains of borax, and rinse with boiling water. Or wipe with diluted ammonia, borax and warm water.

Clean the lipstick print

MM who wears makeup is most afraid of rubbing lipstick when undressing. If you are stained with lipstick, you can use a small brush dipped in gasoline to gently wipe it off, and then wash it off with a warm detergent solution; if you don’t have gasoline, you can also use sparkling mineral water or soda water for bartending. , pour it on a clean cloth and pat the imprinted place, very effective!