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How to wash old jeans and make it like new?

How to wash old jeans and make it like new

The most important part of jeans is the shape. If the jeans are washed too much, the shape will lose its original appearance and become more and more ugly.

I always feel uncomfortable when I don’t wash and wear it, so how can I solve it? The refrigerator can also solve this problem. Just wrap the pants in a fresh-keeping bag and freeze them in the refrigerator. The low temperature will kill the bacteria in the pants and make the pants look new.

Pour cold water into the laundry tub, remember to use cold water, then pour in white vinegar, add salt, stir well, then turn over the newly bought jeans, put them in the water, and soak them. It should be noted here that many people Just soak it for a few minutes, this will not have the effect of fixing the color, and it must be soaked for more than 12 hours.

After soaking, wash and rinse it, and dry it in a ventilated place. Note that when drying, you should also turn your pants inside out. It is best not to expose them to the sun, so as to prevent the jeans from being seriously and quickly faded.