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How to use a bar of soap in the shower?

How to use a bar of soap in the shower

After entering the shower room, as soon as the hot water is turned on, steam will be produced, and the pores of the human body will expand when exposed to heat. First, wash the wet body with hot water, and then apply the soap on the body to wash off the accumulated dirt that has accumulated for a day. Then rub for 5 minutes, then turn on hot water and rinse.

Dab the soap on a towel and rub it all over your body. After wiping evenly, rinse with warm water, then wash the towel with water, soak it in water, and rub it all over the body. If you don’t wash it every day: after rinsing your body, repeat the above process, and then use a bath towel to wipe off the dust of the stratum corneum on your body, and then rinse it off with water.

  1. Rinse the whole body with hot water to soften the cuticle, and then rub with a soapy bath towel, but don’t use too much force.
  2. Rinse clean, rub it with your hands and feel that it is not clean enough, then rub it with a rinsed and wrung bath towel, and finally apply an emollient bath. It is best not to rub the soap directly on the body to ensure cleanliness!