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How to remove blue stain from white clothes?

How to remove blue stain from white clothes

How to clean white clothes after they have been dyed blue or other colors.

.soapy water
.84 Disinfectant
.Hydrogen peroxide
.Baking Soda with Laurel Leaves
.laundry detergent

1 Boil some soapy water, put the dyed clothes in a basin, soak them in clean water first, then pour the water out, then pour the soapy water that has just boiled directly into the basin, soak for about ten minutes, and then gently rub it with your hands, and the original color will be restored; you can also wash it with a mixture of soap and alkaline water, put the clothes in the mixture of soapy water and alkaline water that has just been boiled, and soak for ten minutes. Finally, just rub it lightly with water, and the dyed color will be rubbed off.

2 84 disinfectant has decolorizing properties, so it can be used to treat dyed clothes, but because of this feature, this method is only suitable for dyed white clothes. After diluting the 84 disinfectant, put the clothes in for a little soak and wash them clean. When using 84 disinfectants, you must master the dilution ratio and soaking time. This is related to the texture of the dyed clothes and the degree of dyeing. It is best to bleach them several times.

3 Put the clothes in a basin filled with cold water, and then add hydrogen peroxide dropwise to the basin until the ratio of hydrogen peroxide to water is close to 1:10. Soak for about 5 minutes. Just rub the dyed clothes with your hands. Note: Do not use hydrogen peroxide to directly wipe the dyed parts of the clothes. When adding hydrogen peroxide to the water, try to avoid dripping directly on the clothes.

4 Dissolve strong laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid in warm water at a ratio of 1:1, soak the dyed clothes, and wash them by hand after at least half an hour. If it is still not clean, you can add a small amount of washing powder to soak and scrub. Note: This method is to use the fading of the color of the clothes itself to reduce the color difference with the dyed color blocks

5 Put dyed clothing in a basin of hot water and add 10 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water. Cover your clothes with bay leaves, leave them like this overnight, wash them the next morning, and you’ll find them back to their original color.

Remember not to rush to use bleach as it can damage clothes