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How to get stains out of clothes quickly?

How to get stains out of clothes quickly

Quick ways to remove stains from clothes:
(1) Blue ink stains: When the ink stains the clothes, take it off immediately, soak it in cold water, and then wipe it off with soap. If the ink stains have been stained for a long time, you can soak them in ammonia water or alkaline solution for a while, and then rinse them with water immediately to remove them. In addition, you can put some rice grains on the ink stains, wash them in water, and then rinse them with soapy water or bleach to remove them. All clothes washed with bleaching powder should be rinsed with clean water immediately to prevent the long-term impact on fiber life.
(2) Tea stains: Tea stains can be washed with water, except for blue and black clothes, and old tea stains can be washed with strong salt water.
(3) Blood stains: Because blood contains proteins, proteins are not easily dissolved when heated, so hot water cannot be used to remove blood stains. If you put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the blood stain or scrub it with white radish juice, you can also quickly remove the blood stain.
(4) Oil stains: Drop gasoline on the oil stains, and after the gasoline evaporates, the oil stains will disappear. Rubbing alcohol or salt solution on the oil stain can also remove the oil stain. If the cooking oil stains the clothes, soak them in warm salt water, then wash them with soap. In addition, put blotting paper on the oil stain and iron it with an iron, so that the oil stain can evaporate and be absorbed by the blotting paper when heated.

(5) Sweat stains: To wash clothes with sweat stains, you can first soak the clothes in 10% salt water and rub for 10 minutes, then rinse them with water, and then wipe them with soap to remove them. Add 20-30 drops of 10% ammonia water to the clean water, stir well, then put the sweat-stained clothes into it and rub them repeatedly, and then rinse them with water, the sweat stains can also disappear quickly.
(6) Rust stains: Use a spoonful of oxalic acid, put it in a basin, then pour a cup of hot water to dissolve all the oxalic acid, then add half a basin of warm water, immerse the clothes with rust, and take it out after about 10 minutes, the rust stains It can disappear, then scrub it with soap and rinse with water, and the clothes can be restored to their original appearance.
(7) Dyeing: The easiest way is to soak with soda ash solution, or rinse with oxidative bleach.
(8) Juice juice: The newly dyed juice stains can be washed off with salt or with warm water and soap. If it has been stained for a long time, it can be rinsed with ammonia or wiped off with hydrogen peroxide.