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How to do laundry in hotel?

How to do laundry in hotel

In daily life, when people travel, they often need to wash the clothes they wear on the day of the trip, but if the time is tight, how to do the laundry in the hotel? The general common methods are described below for reference.

Method 1 – ordinary drying

Wash the clothes with water and ordinary soap in the hotel room. Usually, the hotel wardrobe has hangers, which can be dried on the roof, window sill or ventilated part of the balcony.

Method 2 – Mechanical Drying

  1. The method of washing clothes is the same as method 1. The difference is that the hotel room air conditioner is used to turn on the heating or air-conditioning to dry, and the clothes can be placed on the hanger facing the air-conditioning wind.
  2. If the clothes are not dry the next morning, you can also borrow the hotel hair dryer to dry the clothes.

Method 3 – Washing Machine

Check if your accommodation room or hotel has a washing machine. Washing with a washing machine can spin and dry clothes faster.

Method 4 – Laundry Service

Ask the hotel front desk or nearby places if there is a laundry service, and make an appointment to pick up the laundry before departure in the morning.

Method 5 – drying time

If you hang clothes in the hotel, because the departure time of the group is relatively early, in cloudy or cloudy days in winter, try to wash and dry the clothes as early as possible to prevent the clothes from drying out.

Method 6 -Other reminders

If you are too lazy to wash your clothes during the trip, you can bring your own disposable underwear or other disposable clothing.