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How to clean the inside of a range hood?

How to clean the inside of a range hood

A range hood is an underrated appliance because it is rarely cared for. Due to the negligence in cleaning this important kitchen fan, the range hood in your home may be dirty. So how to clean the interior of the range hood? What are the tips for cleaning the interior of the range hood?

How to clean the inside of the hood:

  1. Dismantling and cleaning: After the cooker hood in the kitchen has been used for a long time, there will be a layer of black grease on the oil filter cover, and the inside of the main unit is even thicker with grease. Thorough cleaning. Unscrew the two screws on the oil filter cover, and keep the unscrewed screws so that they do not get lost. Then put a plate of hot water and some detergent to soak for half an hour, then use a soft brush to clean the oil filter, cover, and oil bowl and drain. The inside of the main unit can only be sprayed with a special detergent, and then wiped clean with a trowel. Finally, reset everything.
  1. Special kitchen cleaner: You must have a bottle of special kitchen cleaner at home to remove stubborn dirt. If you see greasy dirt that is difficult to handle, just spray it on it, wait for two or three minutes, and wipe the surface with plaster. It’s as smooth as new, don’t wait until it’s more troublesome to clean up afterward.
  2. Scrub detergent after cleaning: After cleaning the range hood, use a clean rag dipped in detergent and apply it to the oil filter screen cover of the range hood, inside the main unit, drop a few drops in the oil bowl, until the next time Clean the range hood because you have wiped the detergent first, you can easily wipe it with a rag, and it is very clean, so cleaning the range hood is much more convenient and faster.

Precautions for cleaning the range hood

Hot water can be used to clean the range hood, and high temperature is the nemesis of oil stains. If cold water is used, the stubborn oil stains may not be easily removed. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the correct cleaning tools. For some places that are difficult to clean, you can use a toothbrush instead. Be careful not to use too much force, otherwise, the surface of the parts will be damaged.

The cleaning agent you choose is also very important. It is best to choose a professional range hood cleaner. It should be mild in nature and then spray evenly on the oily surface. Wait for a while, and brush it with a brush. Basically, it can be cleaned. You can also Wipe with a sponge or dry cloth.

Do not use brute force to remove parts that are difficult to remove. After cleaning the inside, remember to wipe the outside so that it can be cleaned inside and out.