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How to clean painted kitchen cabinets?

How to clean painted kitchen cabinets?

Painted cabinet door panels are favored by decoration owners because of their bright colors and fashionable appearance. So how to clean the paint cabinet door panel, how to clean the paint cabinet when it is dirty, and how to clean the oil stain on the paint cabinet door panel?

How to clean the paint cabinet door?

It is not difficult to clean the lacquered cabinet door panel, just wipe it carefully with a soft cloth for daily cleaning.

There are two points to pay attention to when cleaning: First of all, steel balls must not be used, but cleaning cotton cloth must be used. Secondly, be sure to use clean water after scrubbing with detergent, otherwise, it will cause a color cast after a long time.

How to clean the painted cabinet when it is dirty?

Baking paint is divided into bright and matt. If it is matt, just wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. If it is bright, it must be wiped again with a dry cloth, otherwise, there will be watermarks.

The material of baking paint is actually relatively delicate. Just like a car, there will be traces when the key is scratched, and even if it is repaired later, there will be a color difference.

In the process of daily use, it is difficult to avoid oil fume in the kitchen. When there are oil fume and oil stains on the surface of the door panel of the painted cabinet, it can be wiped with detergent. Here, it is recommended to use a clean cotton cloth with detergent: water = 1:10.