Can washing powder be taken on the high-speed rail?

Can washing powder be taken on the high-speed rail? Can!
1、Why can washing powder be taken on the high-speed rail? First of all, washing powder is not a dangerous item, and washing powder is not on the prohibited list, so for washing powder, it can be carried on the high-speed rail, and it will not be stuck during security check. , you can pass the security check normally.
2、What is washing powder? Laundry powder is mainly a kind of detergent, mainly used to wash some clothes or items. It contains fabric fiber antiscalants, anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants and other substances, which can make your clothes become Cleaner, clean some stains on the clothes.
3、What items cannot be brought on the high-speed rail? There are many things that cannot be carried on the high-speed rail. First of all, there are some items that may affect the normal operation of the train or the personal safety of other passengers, including but not limited to controlled knives, explosives, inflammable and explosive materials, food with abnormal smell or Items that cannot be carried.
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