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Can I use laundry detergent to wash dishes?

Can I use laundry detergent to wash dishes

We all know that washing powder is generally used for washing powder. Many friends want to ask, anyway, they are all for washing stains. Is it possible to use washing powder to wash dishes?

Can I use laundry detergent to wash dishes?

can’t wash dishes
In order to save the cost of detergent, some families will use washing powder to wash dishes, but washing powder can cause human poisoning, and washing powder contains phosphorus, which will cause harm to the body. Therefore, washing powder cannot be used as a substitute for detergent.

Although these are small things in life, compared with our health, they are big things. Therefore, we must not be sloppy, and we must not ignore it for the sake of saving or saving trouble. Live a healthy life, and be healthy first, so that you can live a better life.

laundry detergent is poisonous
The main component of washing powder is sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate, which is a harmful substance. According to animal experiments, sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate can not only poison people but also have carcinogenic effects; in recent years, it has been found that it also has the risk of causing fetal aberrations. Use washing powder to wash dishes, fruits, and vegetables, meat products, it is impossible to rinse the sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate in the washing powder. If people eat food containing sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate, the sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate will Enter the blood, it destroys the red blood cell membrane and causes hemolysis; entering the hepatocyte inhibits the oxidase in the mitochondria in the hepatocyte, making the liver function malignant and causing liver damage; invading the thymus, damaging the thymus and reducing the immunity of rabbits, especially for Infants with underdeveloped internal organs such as the liver are more harmful.

The harm of washing powder to the skin

The harm of washing powder to the skin

burns the skin
Washing powder contains cationic and anionic surfactants, which are generally alkaline. While removing oil stains from clothes, it can also remove the oily protective layer on the skin surface, thereby corroding the skin, causing it to become hot when it touches the skin. Burning sensation, severe skin peeling and other symptoms.

Dermatitis, eczema
The enzyme preparation contained in the enzyme-added washing powder has the effect of hydrolyzing the stains and residues on the surface of the clothes, but it also decomposes the protein layer on the surface of the skin, causing itching and discomfort in mild cases, and hand diseases such as dermatitis and eczema in severe cases. If it is not cleaned, it may also cause allergic symptoms in the body.

dry and rough skin
According to expert research, washing powder has an obvious degreasing effect on the skin. If it is frequently contacted, the skin is easy to dry and keratinize and rupture; the surfactant in the washing powder will destroy the stratum corneum of the skin and make the skin rough.

Pigmentation of the skin
Washing powder can also cause “butterfly-shaped pigmentation” on the face, that is, butterfly spots. The washing powder is in powder form, and there will be a slight powder surface when washing powder; The substance can inhibit the activity of oxidase, causing the melanin in the skin to change from colorless to black, and then large areas of melasma appear.

Contraindications for the use of washing powder
(1) Do not mix washing powder with soap. Because the washing powder is acidic and the soap is alkaline, the acid and the alkali will be neutralized when they are mixed, which will reduce their detergency.

(2) Washing powder should not be prepared with boiling water. Synthetic laundry detergent will reduce foam and lose its decontamination effect if it is prepared with boiling water. Especially when the temperature of the washing water is low, if the temperature of the washing powder water is too high and the temperature difference is too large, the decontamination effect will be reduced. When using synthetic washing powder, the temperature of the water for preparing the washing powder should be 50℃. The water temperature of the enzyme-added washing powder should not exceed 40 ℃, so as not to destroy the activity of the enzymes in the washing powder.

(3) When using washing powder, the clothes should be rinsed clean. If the close-fitting clothes are not rinsed cleanly, the washing powder left on the clothes will damage the skin.

People with allergies may experience allergic reactions if they use enzymatic laundry detergent or wear clothes washed with enzymatic laundry detergent.

(4) Washing powder should not be stored for too long, especially enzyme-added washing powder. The storage period is limited to half a year, so as not to reduce the activity of enzymes and affect the decontamination effect.