Blog Posts
What is detergent powder for
Detergent powder is mainly used for cleaning clothes....
how to use powder laundry detergent
Powder laundry detergent refers to powdered (granular) synthetic detergents....
What is the best laundry detergent sheets?
What is the best laundry detergent sheets? The "best...
The mystery of laundry detergent pods
Laundry detergent pods, also known as laundry beads, is an...
How can we use powder laundry detergent correctly to achieve the best cleaning effect
粉末洗衣粉是每个家庭必备的日常清洁用品。 那么,怎样才能正确使用洗衣粉,才能达到最佳的清洗效果呢?方法如下: 一、确定合适的用量 根据衣物的数量和脏污程度来确定洗衣粉的用量。用量过少,衣物可能洗不干净;用量过多,不仅浪费,还可能造成漂洗困难,残留的洗衣粉对衣物和皮肤都有不良影响。一般来说,对于中型洗衣机,可以参考洗衣粉包装上的建议用量。对于手洗少量衣物,用量应适当减少。 二、正确的溶解方法 1、先将洗衣粉加入水中,充分搅拌溶解。温水通常可以加速洗衣粉的溶解,提高清洗效果。 2、避免将洗衣粉直接洒在衣物上,因为这样可能导致洗衣粉局部浓度过高,不容易漂洗干净,还会损伤衣物纤维。 三、衣物分类与预处理...
The advantages of fragrance beads
Fragrance beads are a new type of product...
are laundry detergent sheets good
Laundry detergent sheet are a new type of multi-functional eco-friendly...
Blue laundry detergent exported to South American countries
Hebei Guangsheng Technology Co., LTD. is one of...
in-wash scent booster how to use?
Fragrance beads are rubbed, and then the smart...
Why does sulphur soap bring out the scabies?
Sulfur soap cannot be directly used to treat...
Antibacterial soap VS ordinary soap, how to choose?
Consumers want more protection from antibacterial products, but...
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